Sunday, November 23, 2008


OK, here they are, some teaser shots from the 5 month old and 5 year old girls I shot today. Hooray for pink! The baby was such a doll to shoot. She stayed in her spot kindly and neatly. No indignant crawling away, or soiling of the clothing. I can say that she was much more interested in sucking the tutu than wearing it, but a minor distraction it was at best. She was perfect! So thanks you mommy for being so helpful. Now the five year old was a little reluctant at first (she'd rather be playing with the boys than wearing a pink dress, who knew) but she warmed up to the camera nicely. It was freezing and we were losing our indoor lighting (still working on my artificial lighting set up, yuck) so it was definitely a "mini" shoot and we plan to reschedule with full costume changes in the very near future. But here is what I have anyway. Hope everyone enjoys:)

Thursday, November 20, 2008


I am so excited to being doing a shoot this weekend for a couple of friends because they both have daughters. I am so bored with shooting "snakes and snails and puppy dog tails". Not that I don't love and engoy my rough and tumble little munchkins, just from a photography (and shopping) perspective girls offer so many more opportunities. I have started making tutus. Was going to buy, but when I saw prices and then looked up how to do it I figured it was worth the time investment. Anyway, just planning to use them in my shoots anyway so they don't have to be perfect or overly durable and I'm so jazzed (my new word) to strap one on to a real girl. I have to secretly measure them on my three year old and 10month old sons (good thing my husband avoids my blog like the plague) who strangely don't mind "testing" them for me. So, look out for some upcoming "sugar and spice and everything nice" shots:)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Daily Posts?

Originally I thought that I was going to post to this blog on a daily basis. Not sure what I was thinking since I can barely squeeze in time to brush my teeth on a daily basis. So, instead I have decided to post to it on a weekly basis. Way more practical and probably more informative that way since if you have to hear from me daily I can get really boring really quickly :). Also, since this is a photography blog I don't think I'll have much to post on a daily basis. While I take pictures everyday and spend each evening processing them I can't say that I have blogable (new word!) pictures or shoots on a daily basis (I wish). So anyway, I'll check in weekly so to keep people posted on my photography. So, on that note I am fully convinced that I am going to be adding a few things to my bag ASAP. One of those things is a remote release cord. I just don't see how people can possibly get so many cute shots of babies. My little guy WILL NOT sit still. I have so many pictures of his diaper as he streaks in and out of the frame. So, thanks again son, you've inspired me. Here are some shots of one of our latest shoots where I was unable to capture what I set out to since he was not interested in staying put.

Friday, November 14, 2008


Soooooooooo tired! I am finally finished putting together some sample collages for a client. Thanks to Coffeshop's beautiful templates it was not too difficult, except for the fact that my ancient computer that has the memory of an 86 year old retired glue factory worker and a hard drive that leaves a lot to be desired was being quite moody this evening. Pair that with the fact that I'm pretty sure I'm getting sick, I have a birthday party tomorrow featuring 12 sugar hyper 7 year old boys, and that I cleaned, cooked, worked out, grocery shopped and went to work today and you can see why I am EXHAUSTED! But, I guess that's the life of a gainfully employed, photographing, weight watching, mostly stay-at-home-mother of 3. So, in the interest of keeping my sanity, I will sign off from blogger heaven and climb into my warm, comfy, but rarely used bed :p

Thursday, November 13, 2008


So, I taught myself how to use textures and create cards in Photoshop today...go me! I only opened Photoshop for the first time about 5 months ago and now I feel like I have come a looooong way. The first time I opened it, it took me 30 minutes to figure out how to get a picture into it, and I consider myself pretty computer savvy. After many long nights hovering over Photoshop for Dummies I am pretty darn proud of myself for using actions and textures and all that. So, I am posting some of the stuff I've tried out here and feel free to trash it (or appreciate it) as you deem necessary. Just know that if you say I suck I will be sitting in some dark bathroom in central Maryland crying my tired eyes out:)

Leaves are green,
Mud is brown,
Welcome to the newest
blog in town.
Enjoy the snapshots,
read all my posts
my kids are cute,
I'll try not to boast.
And while you're here,
make sure you're sweet,
or else I will have to,
just hit delete!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

First time

I must admit that I have been freakishly hesitant about setting up a blog. My only image about blogs and bloggers (if that's really a word) is of Perez Hilton and I so could not be anything like that guy. So, when I was thinking about setting up my photography website and my bestes friend in the whole world said that I should do a blog I was like, "really? why would anyone want to read what I have to say?" And, as someone who is a self proclaimed blogger stalker she informed me that people were interested in this stuff, especially if they are already interested in your website for some particular reason. So, anyway, here goes. Hope you all enjoy it and maybe this will help me figure out what I'm doing on a daily basis that makes me so damn tired when I go to bed each night:)

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About This Blog

This is the photoblog of Then Again Photography, lifestyle photography services for D.C., Maryland, and Virginia.

Please visit Then Again Photography to book your engagement, wedding, maternity, baby, family, or senior photo session today!

Then Again Photography: reasonable prices, exceptional quality, so you can enjoy then again.

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