Monday, January 26, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
LIGHTS!(Camera! Action)
Trying out my new lights is fun! I am still primarily a natural light photographer, but this below freezing weather is really putting a damper on things. Anyway. Here are a few shots of me using my lovely X-mas present. Please feel free to leave your comments because I love getting feedback.
Posted by then again photography at 2:20 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Something amazing happened to me recently: I got a very nice shot of my three boys together. No one was picking their nose, no one was staring vaguely off into space, no one was torturing anyone else, and no one was crying, grimacing, blinking, or making any other "in between face" that generally makes a photograph unsalvageable. While they may not have all been smiling brightly, they were all looking in the general direction of the camera while sitting still enough to prevent the shot from being a massive blur. In my opinon, success! (See previous post on 12/17/08 to fully understand the accomplishment this truly is!)
Posted by then again photography at 7:40 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Ohh! I can't believe that my baby is 1 already. I can easily recall the night that I was fully surprised by unexpectedly going into labor (2 days prior to scheduled c-section). I vividly remember arriving to the hospital to my mother's horrified face as she ran in and out of the ED frantically searching for me and demanding that they immediately direct her to my room. How she made it to the hospital BEFORE me when she lives and hour away and I'm a mere 20 minute drive is still beyond me. Anyway, it will be a year on the 19th of January since I was blessed with my sweet baby. He is such a joy; so happy and curious. He is the busiest little almost one year old you'll ever meet, and I am so happy to know him. We gave him his birthday party this past weekend and it was a lot of fun. He was confused by the singing part and delighted with the cake. The gifts originally were not even on his radar; as a matter of fact his three year old brother opened them for him. But, he has now grown to love a couple of them as he spends minutes (yes, minutes) fully engaged with them. So, enjoy the pics. #2 is going to be four soon; hoora
Posted by then again photography at 7:48 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 9, 2009
I love new photography equipment! My kids hate it. Oh well, I gave them all a dollar, but the baby tried to eat his so I took it back. Anyway. It is times like this that I really miss sunny southern California. Since the cold, dingy days of Maryland have driven me indoors I figured I'd better explore my indoor lighting options or I may be forced to run my business seasonally. While I still consider myself primarily a natural light girl, I decided I need to learn how to use a flash (see previous post). I finally received my off camera flash set up and WOW what a difference it makes. I still have a lot to learn about where and how to use the setup, but it's only a matter of time (and $1 for the child models) before I am ready to try this new skill out on the unsuspecting world! Have camera (and flash) will travel!
Posted by then again photography at 11:13 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 2, 2009
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Here's hoping that you and your family all enjoy a happy, healthy, safe, and prosperous 2009. I am hoping that I am able to enhance my photography skills and grow my business this year. I am particularly interested in taking senior portraits so if anyone knows a girl (or guy) that is interested in getting their portraits for free (that's right, I said it) please have them contact me for dates in the spring, summer, and/or fall.
Posted by then again photography at 8:06 PM 0 comments
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